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What is the Epilepsy Support Community Forum?
It is an on-line community where people with Epilepsy in their lives can openly talk about their thoughts feelings, experiences of living with Epilepsy and share our individual opinions.

Members of the Epilepsy Support Community come from a range of different backgrounds and experiences. We have members posting from around the world. Members that have Epilepsy, members that have family members with Epilepsy and members with friends and partners of people with Epilepsy.

We cannot offer any medical advice on diagnosis or treatment of Epilepsy
If that is what you are seeking then please seek support from qualified medical professionals.
Members of the Epilepsy Support forum were asked questions about the Epilepsy in their lives.

Click on a member's name to find out about their Epilepsy experiences
No one with Epilepsy ever needs to feel alone or isolated
neither should anyone that cares for someone with Epilepsy.
Do you need support for the Epilepsy in your life?
If you are looking for support with your own individual situation, then use this link to go to the Forum.
You can choose to register a name that you want to be known by clicking here, so that you can ask questions and share your experiences of living with Epilepsy.

Need to talk to people with Epilepsy in their lives?
Members of the Epilepsy Support Community are able to arrange Chat times for meeting together by posting in our Chatterbox Forum within the Epilepsy Support Forum Board.
This enables members to know what time to meet up and this is especially important as we have members from different parts of the world. Chatting is a great way to get to know other members of the Epilepsy Support Forum but post a time first!.

Members were asked to give feedback on the Epilepsy Support Community.
If you want people think about the Forum use the link to see the Feedback.
The Epilepsy Support Community can really make a difference for
People with Epilepsy &
those that care for people with Epilepsy!